Private Sale 2 September 2016
Get ready! In October, the workshop prepares a huge private sale. Discounts on seats, furniture and promotions for restoration. More information in the next newsletters. The private sale will be made in the workshops in Loudéac (Route de Rennes - Z.A. of Parpareux - 22600 Loudéac - tel +33 (0)2 96 28 18 69 ) and Paris ( 61 rue de Vaugirard - 75006 Paris - +33(0)1 45 49 49 61). You could enjoy discounts of 30 to 60% on products.
Every Friday morning of October, a workshop visit will be organized . If you wish to participate, call us at +33 (0)2 96 28 18 69 or send an email to .
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Révélations : le rendez-vous des métiers d’Art et de la création internationale25 April 2019